Being Fit Is More Than What We See On The Outside

Anthony Moses, Founder & Visionary,

A..M. Total Being Fitness

A. M. Total Being Fitness

Welcome to A.M. Total Being Fitness Powered by The Moses Method.

We “make it make sense” by using medical-grade testing equipment and a scientifically based, patent-pending process to identify and measure your “real” progress. Not just what the scale says. Get the results you deserve.

Powered by The Moses Method


A.M. Total Being Fitness Takes Wellness to A Whole New Level

The Moses Method

AMTBFit is the only Moses Method Certified Fitness Center in the World. The Moses Method’s patent-pending, scientifically-based protocol provides the data you need to monitor and track progress and see your results. Testing includes the following: DXA Scan, V02 Max, and RMR. But its not just the testing, we apply The Moses Method protocol to your numbers to create a customized program that fits your specific goals and needs. Your individual numbers guide the process.

The Total Being

AMTBFit focuses on the individual. Because 30+ years of experience has proven that “Being Fit Is More Than What We See On The Outside.“ The Total Being is an established process used to help you navigate ALL aspects of your wellness, not just the physical. The Total Being incorporates Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Social and Intellectual. The Moses Method protocol combined with The Total Being provides the support that you need to change from the inside out. We work with you through your individualized testing and partner with you through your Total Being Journey.

Because Science + Testing + Dedication + Coaching = Long-Term Results.


The Science behind the Moses Method:

  • Health History: Which shows genetic habits and each individual’s physiological makeup

  • Vitals: Captures Blood Pressure, Resting Heart Rate

  • DXA Scan: Captures Body Composition which includes Bone Density, Lean Mass, Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat

  • Resting Metabolic Rate Test (RMR): Identifies how many Calories being used at rest, Fat vs. Sugar and Breath Respiration

  • Volume of Oxygen (VO2 Max) Test: Allows us to target Aerobic and Anaerobic Thresholds to properly program you to burn fat and build lung capacity.


Using the results of these tests, AMTBFit has developed 13 patent pending and trademarked exercise and nutrition programs that are customized to the individual to help facilitate weight loss, reduce mortality risk and to assist in the prevention of disease.

“Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind and spirit - The realization that everything we do, think, feel and believe has an effect on our state of well being.”

— Greg Anderson